Sunday, June 21, 2009

BoilX All-Natural Skin Boils Treatment Relieves Hot, Swollen, Painful Boils FAST

One of the worst skin problems a person can have is boils. Also referred to as skin abscesses, boils can be particularly bothersome because they tend to appear in the worst places you can imagine. Often they erupt along skin creases and folds, under the arms, on the inner thighs and even on the face. Embarrassment, pain and worry are all feelings that commonly accompany skin boils. Finding a safe and effective boils treatment is a top priority when you’re faced with this situation.

What Exactly Are Boils?

Boils are actually infections in the skin. Like most infections, they’re caused by bacteria or toxins that enter the skin. When deep skin tissues become infected, a reddish, tender spot appears first. The boil goes on to become a hard and painful pus-filled bump on the skin. Surrounding skin can be extremely sensitive and red. Only when the boil erupts and drains can it begin to heal.

Sometimes the intervention of a doctor is needed and unfortunately, some people suffer over and over again from boils outbreaks. This condition is referred to as Furunculosis.

Hot Compresses Can Help

Many times your health professional will recommend that you use a hot compress to draw out the infection of boils. Sometimes they will also prescribe antibiotics to help fight off the infection. While this traditional treatment can be effective, many people prefer natural, homeopathic treatments over prescription medications.

BoilX Homeopathic Spray is a new treatment designed to treat boils without prescriptions or topical ointments. Its all-natural formula includes 7 homeopathic ingredients that provide safe relief for your boils symptoms. Used 3 times per day, BoilX relieves the following symptoms of boils naturally and safely:

How Does BoilX Homeopathic Spray Work?

BoilX is a liquid that you spray under your tongue. It’s absorbed into the blood stream quickly because it is able to bypass the digestive system. Sublingual application in this way allows key ingredients to reach their destination faster and reduce your symptoms quickly. You’ll feel better and be back to normal sooner.

In addition, you can use BoilX safely with other medications you may be taking. It will not make you drowsy or cause other negative side effects.

BoilX contains the following ingredients:

Anthracinum - 30X
Baptisia Tinctora - 3X (wild indigo)
Calcarea picrica - 6X
Echinacea Angustifolia - 3X (purple cone flower)
Hepar Sulphur - 200C
Mercurius corrosivus - 200C
Pyrogenium - 200C
Organic Alcohol 20% v/v
Purified Water
By using BoilX as soon as you feel a boil coming on, you’ll reduce your symptoms and get a head start on the healing process. If you suffer from boils regularly, be sure to keep plenty of BoilX on hand for early boils treatment.

Where To Buy BoilX

BoilX is available at the official BoilX website and offers a 90-day refund policy. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. When you buy multiple bottles at a time you can save a significant amount over the single bottle purchase.

Click Here Now To Find Out How You Can Get 2 FREE Bottles Of BoilX

Treating Boils : Home Remedies

Boils are often extremely painful and can leave the sufferer feeling very low and emotionally drained.

Here are a collection of home remedies that you may like to try, they may ease the symptoms and speed up the healing process of your boils.

Garlic Extract - This can be useful for treating all manner of illnesses. To treat boils, simply apply garlic extract to the surface of the boil(s). The garlic extract will assist in killing any germs and will also encourage the realease of teh pus form the pustule.

Bread & Milk - Take a slice of bread and soak it in creamy milk. Gently apply to the affected area. This should cause the boil to soften which will reduce the swelling and will also encourage the pus to be released.

Tumeric - This is an ancient remedy for the treatment of all kinds of diseases and illnesses. Take some ground tumeric and roast gently over a low flame. Then mix the roasted tumeric into a paste using water. This paste can then be applied to the affected area and should aid the maturing of the boil and the release of the pus.

Parsley - It is said that if you boil parsley leaves until soft, then wrap them in a perforated cloth and apply to the boil, this will soothe the discomfort and irritation and will also aid the healing process.

Of course these remedies may or may not work, they have been handed down over the years from generation to generation. If you don’t want to try these, then why not try this all natural product, its great at easing the symptoms and helping the healing process of all boils.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home Remedies for Boils and Skin Boils

Boils treatment using Garlic and Onion

Garlic and Onions have been proved to be among the most effective home remedy for boils treatment among several other remedies. Onion juice or garlic juice may be applied on boils externally to ripen them, break and evacuate the pus. Juices of both these vegetables can be mixed in equal quantities and applied on the boil for beneficial results.

Boils treatment using Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is also an effective home remedy for blood filled boils. To treat boils, a cupful of fresh bitter gourd juice can be mixed with 1 teaspoon of lime juice, sipped on slowly on an empty stomach everyday for a few days.

Boils treatment using Milk Cream

Milk cream remedy is useful in the treatment of boils. An excellent poultice for boils cure is, to apply a mixture of a teaspoon each of milk cream and vinegar with a pinch of turmeric powder. This helps to ripen the blood boils and heal them without letting them become septic.

Boils treatment using Betel Leaves

Betel Leaves treatment for boils is a valuable home remedy. A betel leaf is gently warmed till it softens. Coat it with a layer of castor oil. Spread the oiled leaf over the inflamed part. Replace this every few hours. After applying a few times, boil ruptures and drains out all the purulent matter.

Boils treatment using Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are beneficial in the treatment of boils. Cumin seeds are ground to a paste in water. This cumin seed paste is applied to boils for beneficial results.

Boils treatment using Margosa Leaves

Margosa leaves have proven effective in treating boils. They can be either used as a poultice, liniment or decoction with positive results. To make the decoction, boil 15 gm of margosa leaves in 500 ml water till it is reduced by one-third.

Boils treatment using Parsley

For boils treatment, steep parsley in boiled water till it becomes soft and juicy. When it is comfortably hot, wrap it in a clean muslin or linen cloth and apply it on the boils as a poultice.

Boils treatment using Turmeric

Applying turmeric powder on boils speeds healing process. In case of fresh boils, roast a few dry roots of turmeric, dissolve the ashes in a cupful of water and then apply over the affected areas. This solution aids boils to ripen and burst.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Boils Treatment

Boils and carbuncles are bacterial infections of hair follicles that surround the skin with small blister-like swellings containing pus. Boils are sometimes called furuncles. When several furuncles merge to form a single deep abscess with several heads or drainage points a carbuncle is formed.

Commonly boils occur in teenagers and young adults. Skin boils can be quite painful, in places where the skin is closely attached to the underlying tissues, such as the ears, nose, or fingers. They are localized, inflamed, tender, pus-filled swellings in the skin surrounded by large red areas. Boils can appear anywhere on the body but generally they appear on the face, neck, armpits, buttocks or thighs.

Boils usually start as red, tender lumps they quickly grow lager being filled with pus; they get more painful and eventually rupture and drain. Sometimes a boil can disappear in a few days time; else it might take a couple of weeks to heal. While anyone may develop boils, it is usually people who have diabetes, or a suppressed immune system, or acne or other skin problems that are at increased risk. Small boils usually heal without scarring, but a large boil may leave a scar.

So what causes of boils? Boil are caused when one or more hair follicles become infected with staph bacteria. These bacteria are responsible for a number of major hospital-acquired infections and food-borne illnesses and serious diseases, including meningitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and endocarditis an infection of the lining of your heart.

Staph bacteria generally enter through a break, cut or scratch in your skin. As soon as this occurs, specialized white blood cells called neutrophils fight the infection leading to inflammation and the formation of pus.

Treatment for boils at Home is simple. Gentle heat provided by a moist, warm cloth held over the area for 15-20 minutes three times a day, will speed up the healing process. Using antibiotic ointment on the boil will not will not necessary cure it because the medicine will not penetrate the infected skin.

To keep the germs from spreading one must cover the boil with a small bandage. It is strongly advised not to squeeze or lance the boil as this will only cause the germs to spread and will not hasten the healing process. You can also prevent boils by thoroughly cleaning small cuts and scrapes by washing with soap and water and applying an antibiotic ointment.

Avoid Body tight clothing as they cause perspiration that leads to boils. Doctors treating boils may drain a large boil or carbuncle by making a small incision in the tip. This relieves pain, speeds recovery and helps lessen scarring.